Sunday, March 27, 2016

ActiveX Control 'TBSCtrl.ocx' needs to be installed to use Metasolv External Links


In Metasolv client after clicking on external links user receives below error.

Error screenshot

Error text

ActiveX Control 'TBSCtrl.ocx' needs to be installed to use this feature.
Please contact your MetaSolv Solution Administrator.


1. 'TBSCtrl.ocx' is used to render graphics.
2. 'TBSCtrl.ocx' is required to be registered with operating system on which Metasolv client is running.
3. When 'TBSCtrl.ocx' is not registered the above message is displayed. Usually copying Metasolv folder from 1 machine to other does not register 'TBSCtrl.ocx' on the other machine and causes above error.


Register the 'TBSCtrl.ocx' on the Operating System where the MetaSolv Solution client is running.
The MetaSolv Solution Zero Admin Client (ZAC) installer will register the required files on the
Operating System where the client(tbs.exe) is being installed.

In order to manually register please follow below steps:


You must have administrator privileges to register a dll file. If you encounter a problem
registering the file, contact your Windows Administrator.

1. Open a Command Prompt
2. CD to the directory where the MetaSolv Solution client is installed (e.g. C:\MSS)
3. Register the 'TBSCtrl.ocx' file using the 'regsvr32' command

Hope the article helps you in fixing ActiveX 'TBSCtrl.ocx' error , please leave your feedback or query.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Weblogic Integration MQ Event Generators not polling and retrieving messages from MQ in a Weblogic clustered environment


A WLI Event Generator appears not to be consuming messages from an MQ queue.

When there is just one managed server running in a cluster, the Event Generator is retrieving the
messages from MQ.
But as soon as the second managed server is started in the cluster, the Event Generator gets redeployed (suspended for the time the second server is in process of starting and becomes running once the second server is running) and after that it stops picking the messages until the Event Generator is suspended/resumed again at which point it will perform a one time retrieval of message from the queue.

Essentially in a clustered environment, as soon as a new managed server is added (beyond the very first one) into the cluster Event Generator seems to start having problems and it stops polling messages from queue.


This is due to the fact that Server Affinity was disabled in the Connection Factory thus preventing the cluster from knowing which server would process the messages.

Changing the Server Affinity to "true" resolved this issue.


1. Enable the server affinity for this connection factory or create a new connection factory with this
2. Create a new MQ Event Generator that uses this new connection factory
3. Restart admin and managed servers
4. Test the scenario again and make sure messages get processed.

Hope above helps in fixing above mentioned issue related to Event Generators in WLI, please leave your feedback or query.