Sunday, May 15, 2016

Metasolv Service Requests PSR, LSR, ASR, ISR explained

Service Requests in Metasolv

Before proceeding with Service Requests quickly understand LATA, LEC and IXC.

LATA(Local Access Transport Area)

A Local Access Transport Area (LATA) is a geographic area served by particular operating companies.
An IntraLATA call is a call made within a LATA.
An InterLATA call is a call made from one LATA to another


The local phone companies or Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) provide IntraLATA services.
The long distance phone companies or Interexchange Carriers (IXCs) provide InterLATA services.
Refer diagram above.

Now coming back to Service Requests.
Service Requests are the orders that a company receives for products or services. If a company needs a circuit, the company must use a service request to order it. If a company needs a piece of equipment, again it must submit a service request to order it.

Metasolv has following 4 types of service requests

  1. Product Service Request (PSR)
  2. Local Service Request (LSR)
  3. Access Service Request (ASR)
  4. Internal Service Request (ISR)

     Lets have a look at each one of them.


A product service request (PSR) supports requests for products from end users.
Some examples of products ordered include:

Basic residential service
Dedicated lines
ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)

End users place orders with their providers.

In the above example, 'Customer A' needs a private line to the 'Customer C'. Since both companies use the same local service provider, this scenario requires only one order.
CLEC receives the PSR for a dedicated line between 'Customer A' and 'Customer C'.


A local service request (LSR) handles requests from local service providers for unbundled elements or resale services from the ILECs(Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers).
LSRs and Access Service Request (ASRs) are the two types of orders that are regulated. A regulated
order has to pass standards set by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which was created to
standardize orders so that all companies utilize the same elements when they submit a service request.

In this example, CLEC Telecom, a new local service provider, wants to provide local service to the XYZ area, which is currently being served by ABC-ILEC.
Before providing service to its end user customers, CLEC Telecom must purchase access to local loops and network interface devices.
The CLEC will attain all the unbundled elements. To accomplish this, it must send an LSR to the ILEC for the purchase of the unbundled elements in the XYZ area.


You can use a local service request to order any of the following:
Local loop
Network Interface Device (NID)
Signaling and call-related database
Local and tandem switch access
Operator and directory assistance


An access service request (ASR) is an order for terminating an access connection to a telephony network.

There are two main types of ASRs:
Special Access ASR—For dedicated line telephone network entities (end user to ACTL or CO).
Switched Access ASR—For trunks between network locations, ACTLs, Tandems, and COs.


In the following example, a new LSP (CLEC Telecom) will begin serving customers in the area currently being served by ABC-ILEC.

Before providing local service, CLEC Telecom must complete the ASR for trunks connecting the switching equipment between the two LECs.

In the above example of a Switched Access ASR, an IXC called New IXC wants to sell long distance services to customers being served by CLEC Telecom.
First, New IXC must complete a switched access ASR for trunks between New IXC and CLEC Telecom.


Parent/Child Relationship

A special access ASR is an order for dedicated line telephone network entities such as end user to
ACTLs or COs.

In this example, CustomerA orders a dedicated 56K line to the CustomerB in location B.
Since the two locations are not in the same LATA, the PSR for the private line generates two child

  • One ASR to CLEC A for special access from CustomerA location to CLEC A ACTL(CO) in location A.
  • Another ASR for special access to CLEC B from CustomerB's location to the CLEC B ACTL(CO).


An internal service request (ISR) is simply that, an internal (within your own company) service
request. An ISR is the fastest and easiest order that you can place in the MetaSolv Solution.

Because ISRs are not validated against OBF guidelines, the MetaSolv Solution order-entry process for ISRs is very flexible. ISRs are often submitted as child orders to parent ASRs or PSRs.
Companies create ISRs to document inventory and to provision their own circuits. They use ISRs to
communicate to field personnel which equipment to assign to a circuit.
Also, some companies use ISRs as a standard to build all facility circuits.
Here are the types of circuits associated with an ISR:
Facility circuits
Special (for non-ordered circuits that are not facility circuits)
Broadband (for ATM or frame relay, each of which require a facility circuit)

I hope I was able to explain the Metasolv Service Requests, please leave your feedback or query.