Monday, January 18, 2016

Metasolv M6.2.1 clustered server installation

Installation Scenario

Clustered Server installation will be done on 3 physical unix machines.

Lets say we are installing one domain which has an admin , a loadbalancer server and 6 managed server like test_domain has below

1. test_admin
2. test_loadBalancer
3. test_srvr_1.1(managed server) on unix box 1
4. test_srvr_1.2(managed server) on unix box 1
5. test_srvr_2.1(managed server) on unix box 2
6. test_srvr_2.2(managed server) on unix box 2
7. test_srvr_3.1(managed server) on unix box 3
8. test_srvr_3.2(managed server) on unix box 3


1. If you are using a Windows PC with PuTTY to complete this installation procedure, ensure you
    have an Xserver such as Xming running in your Windows environment.

    In your UNIX shell, ensure that you have exported your DISPLAY:
export DISPLAY=172.XX.xx.xx:0.0


3. Java 1.6.0_45  (  AND

4. Oracle WebLogic Integration 10gR3 MP1 (10.3.1) (wli10gR3MP1_generic.jar)

5. Oracle WLI Patches

6. MetaSolv Solution 6.2.1 (MSS.R6_2_1.bXXX_AppServerInstaller.jar)

Steps for installation of MetaSolv

STEP 1.  Java 1.6.0_45 Install

1. Create BEA directory

mkdir  /opt/app/mss/bea

2. Copy executable files.

cp into the “BEA” directory
cp into the “BEA” directory

3. Grant permissions to executables.
chmod 754 (make it executable)
chmod 754 (make it executable)

4. Run executables.

./  (run it to extract JDK – will create the “jdk1.6.0_45” directory)
./  (run it to extract JDK – will add files into the “jdk1.6.0_45” directory)

5. Remove (or move) the installer (, ) out of this directory

6. Set the following environment variables in your environment:

export JAVA_HOME="/opt/app/mss/bea/jdk1.6.0_45"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

STEP 2. Oracle WebLogic Integration 10gR3 MP1 (10.3.1) (wli10gR3MP1_generic.jar)

BEA platform installation:

1. In your UNIX shell, export your DISPLAY:

export DISPLAY=172.24.xx.xx:0.0

2. Create a home directory:

mkdir /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1

Note: Please choose your own directory path. Above is just an example.

3. Launch the install process:

java -jar wli10gR3MP1_generic.jar -l

Click Next.

Type in BEA Home Directory value.  Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Yes.

Type in Eclipse Home value.  Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Uncheck “Run Quickstart”. 

Click Done.

In the current directory the installer has created a “cachedir” which can now be removed for clean up purposes:
rm -fR cachedir

STEP 3. Install Oracle WLI Patches (10)

After you install WebLogic Integration 10.3.1, you must install a number of patches.  The patches must be downloaded from the My Oracle Support Web site and can be applied using the WebLogic Smart Update tool. The following private patches will need to be installed:

MSS 6.2.1 Install GUIde
ORACLE Doc ID 1347176.1

The PS4A patch must be applied before applying the 7SSV, 4DRC, RT9X, 3Q67, and GUFX patches.
The T4EH patch in the MSS 6.2.1 Install Guide was replaced with the 2P2M patch in Doc 1347176.1
The 5CAZ patch is not part of M6 patch list – found independently to address MQEG issue


Extract each of the patch files into the Oracle Smart Update Utility ($BEA_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir) directory:

unzip ./ -d /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir
replace /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir/patch-catalog_15563.xml? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y
  inflating: /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir/patch-catalog_15563.xml
replace /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir/README.txt? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y
  inflating: /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir/README.txt
  inflating: /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu/cache_dir/EB3S.jar

Similarly install other patches as well.

1. If you are using a Windows PC with PuTTY to complete this installation procedure, ensure you have an Xserver such as Xming running in your Windows environment.

In your UNIX shell, ensure that you have exported your DISPLAY:

export DISPLAY=172.24.xx.xx:0.0

2. Launch the WebLogic Smart Update Utility:

cd /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1/utils/bsu


Click “OK”.  The client will update itself – wait for it to complete and re-launch itself.

3. Use the WebLogic Smart Update Utility to Apply the patches in the following sequence:


Note:  The PS4A patch must be applied before applying the 7SSV, 4DRC, RT9X, 3Q67, and GUFX patches.
Start by selecting the row for Patch ID = “EB3S” and click on the green arrow in the “Apply” column.

Check the “Do not show this again.” checkbox on the Oracle Support Notice window if it appears.

Click OK.

Patch installed… repeat the patch installation process for all of the required patches in the above specified sequence.

Once you have installed all of the above patches, the “Downloaded Patches” section should be empty.

STEP 4. Prepare for Single/Multiple WebLogic Integration Domains Pointing to the Same Database

Multiple WebLogic Integration domains cannot use the same database schema. WebLogic Integration system tables represent part of a single domain’s internal state. This assumption is embedded in the
WebLogic Integration operations and management algorithms. Because there is no way to distinguish the two sets of data, results are unpredictable. There is a work around solution. You must modify
the mssint.sql file for each standalone server domain or clustered server domain.

[/XXX/XXX/XXX/mssint]$ ls -ltr

-rw-r--r--   1 admin  metasolv     907 Jan 17 23:10 mssint_TEST_INT.sql

File: mssint_TEST_INT.sql

/************** HEADER  *******************/
--      This file provides the sql to create the INTDATA tablespace
--      and the TEST_INT user.
--      Prior to running, update the pathing information.
--      AUTHOR: ST
--      DATE: 1/12/05
-- 8922939 removing defualt passwords
-- Must replace <password here> with password by admin before running the script
/************** HEADER  *******************/

create tablespace INTDATA datafile

        '/oradata/database/xxxxdata.dbf'  size   1500M
        extent management local SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;

create user TEST_INT identified by <PASSWORD HERE>

default tablespace INTDATA
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on intdata;

grant connect,resource to TEST_INT;

/**11692686 granting app_role to TEST_int **/
Grant app_role to TEST_INT;
alter user TEST_INT default role all except WOTSTWTWWOO;
grant create table to TEST_INT;

After creating the users with mssint SQL scripts – GRANT VIEW permission to each user:



STEP 5. Create WLI Runtime/Archive schema for each Domain Integration User

If you have multiple server domains that must point to the database, repeat this procedure for each user that you identify.

Recreate the necessary WebLogic Integration tables by completing the following actions:
In the BEA_Home directory (for example, /opt/bea), navigate to the bea directory using the cd command.
For example: cd /opt/bea/wli_10.3/dbscripts/oracle
Enter sqlplus <DOMAIN_INT USER>/<DOMAIN_INT PASSWD>@yourSIDname.
Run the following SQL files:
--> @wli_runtime.sql
--> @wli_archive.sql
Enter commit.
Enter quit.

STEP 6. Create the test_domain WebLogic Domains

If you are using a Windows PC with PuTTY to complete this installation procedure, ensure you have an Xserver such as Xming running in your Windows environment.

1. In your UNIX shell, ensure that you have exported your DISPLAY:

export DISPLAY=172.24.xx.xx:0.0

2. Start the WebLogic Configuration Wizard to setup the WLI domain:

cd $BEA_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/bin


Select “Create a new WebLogic domain” and click “Next”.

The Select Domain Source window appears.

Select the “Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products” option and select WebLogic Integration. Click Next.

The Configure Administrative User Name and Password window appears.

Enter a user name and password (e.g U: weblogic, P: weblogic) and verify the password by retyping, then click “Next”.

Note the user name and password. You will need them to log on to the administration console.

The Configure Server Start Mode and JDK window appears.

If you are installing for company operations, select the Production Mode.   If you are installing to do integration development or testing, select “Development Mode”.  Click “Next”.

The Customize Environment and Services Settings window appears.

Change the radio button to Yes and click Next.

The Configure RDBMS Security Store Database window appears.

Select I don’t want to change anything here, then click Next.
The Configure the Administration Server window appears.

Change the “Name” to <DOMAIN>_admin.
Change the “Listen address” to the IP address of the machine.
Change the “Listen port” to the appropriate list port for this DOMAIN.
Check the “SSL enabled” checkbox and Specify the “SSL listen port”.
Click “Next”.

The Configure Managed Servers window appears. 

Click “Add”.

Specify Managed Server Name, Listen address, Listen port, and SSL listen port.

(Repeat Add step for all managed servers to be created on this machine)

Click Next.

The Configure Clusters window appears. 

Click Add.

Specify Cluster Name, Multicast address, and Multicast port.

Click Next.

The Assign Servers to Clusters window appears.

Move the Server items to the Cluster.

Click Next.

Click Next.

The Configure Machines window appears.

Click “Next”.

The Assign Servers to Machines window appears.

Move the Server items to the appropriate Machine.

Click Next.

The Configure JDBC Data Sources window appears.

Enter the configuration information for the JDBC data sources, click on each data source tab. Perform the following steps:

1.       Click the cgDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:
a.       In the Database type list, select Oracle.
b.      In the Driver list, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin XA) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.
c.       Select the Supports global transactions and the Two phase commit options.
d.      For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).
e.      For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.
f.        For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.
g.       For the User name, enter <DOMAIN>_INT.
For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

       Click the portalDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:
a.       In the Database type list, select Oracle.
b.      In the Driver list, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.
c.       Select the Supports global transactions and the One phase commit options.
d.      For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).
e.      For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.
f.        For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.
g.       For the User name, enter <DOMAIN>_INT.
h.      For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

Click the p13nDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:
a.       In the Database type list, select Oracle.
b.      In the Driver list, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.
c.       Select the Supports global transactions and the One phase commit options.
d.      For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).
e.      For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.
f.        For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.
g.       For the User name, enter <DOMAIN>_INT.
h.      For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

 Click the cgDataSource-nonXA tab, enter values in the following fields:
a.       In the Database type list, select Oracle.
b.      In the Driver list, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.
c.       Select the Supports global transactions and the Emulate two phase commit options.
d.      For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).
e.      For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.
f.        For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.
g.       For the User name, enter <DOMAIN>_INT.
h.      For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

Click the bpmArchDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:
a.       In the Database type list, select Oracle.
b.      In the Driver list, select Oracle’s Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.
c.       Select the Supports global transactions and the Emulate two phase commit options.
d.      For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).
e.      For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.
f.        For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.
g.       For the User name, enter <DOMAIN>_INT.
h.      For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

After the data sources have been configured, click on Test Connections.
The Test Data Source Connections window appears.

Test each data source by clicking Test next to each data source. Once all the tests have passed, click Ok and then Next.

The Run Database Scripts window appears.

For each data source, select the available files and the DB Version, then click Run Scripts.

After all the scripts have been run for each data source, Click Next.

NOTEFor the cgDataSource-nonXA data source, select the 11g database version and for the p13nDataSource, select the 10g database version.

Click Next .

The Configure JMS File Stores window appears.

Click Next.

The Review WebLogic Domain window appears.

Review the summary information displayed to verify that all the information is correct. Click “Next”.

The Create WebLogic Domain window appears.

Do the following:
a.       Enter the Domain name = ‘TEST_domain’
b.      Enter the Domain location = /opt/app/mss/domains’
c.       Enter the Application location = /opt/app/mss/applications’

Click Create.

The Creating Domain window appears, indicating the progress during the creation of the domain.

Click Done when the configuration creation is complete.


STEP 7. Install MetaSolv Solution 6.2.1 (MSS.R6_2_1.b804.3_AppServerInstaller.jar)

1. The instructions for creating the domain configuration included starting the server after the configuration was complete.  Leave the server running until you are instructed to shut it down.

2. Ensure that the following environmental variables are set:

JAVA_HOME= /opt/app/mss/bea/jdk1.6.0_45
BEA_HOME= /opt/app/mss/bea/wli10gR3MP1

3. If you are using a Windows PC with PuTTY to complete this installation procedure, ensure you have an Xserver such as Xming running in your Windows environment.

In your UNIX shell, ensure that you have exported your DISPLAY:

export DISPLAY=172.24.xx.xx:0.0

4. Launch the install process:

cd /opt/app/mss/m6core/XXXX_domain

java -jar ../MSS.R6_2_1_804.b3_AppServerInstaller.jar

The Select MetaSolv home directory window appears.

Click “Select”.  The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears.

Click “Next”.  The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Choose Install Type window appears.

For XML API installations: select Full Installation on WebLogic Integration Domain (WLI) and click Next.

The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Select Server window appears.

Do the following:
a.       Enter the Admin Host name for the Domain  (e.g. 172.24.XX.XX)
b.      Enter the port number for the Admin Host.  (e.g. 6010)
c.       Enter the WebLogic console admin user name and password.  (U:weblogic, P:weblogic)

Click “Go”.

The installation program queries the Admin Host machine and returns with values you entered during the configuration of the WebLogic domain. This process can take a few moments.

The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears with the domain and any servers in the domain appearing in the left pane.

In the tree view on the left, select the check box next to the single server you want MSS installed on.
Tabs appear in the right pane for information to be entered for the selected server.

Click the Cluster checkbox and enter the path and name of the MetaSolv home directory, WebLogic domain directory, and WebLogic Home directory or click Browse to search for the directories.

Click the Oracle tab.

Specify values in the Oracle Server Name, Oracle Port#, and the Oracle Service Name fields.
Change the value of the User name for Integration Connection Pools to be <DOMAIN>_INT.
Enter the passwords for the APP_MSLV, APP_API, and <DOMAIN>_INT users.

Click the Gateway tab.

Check the default selections for event servers that are to be activated, and make any necessary changes.

Note:  For XML API installations, the INTEGRATIONSERVER option must be checked.

Click the Port tab.

Click the Proxy tab.  Enter Proxy Server URL.

We did not touch the Oracle RAC tab…

When all tabs have correct information for the single server, click Next.

The installation summary appears.

After checking the information in the summary for accuracy, click Install. When the files are installed, the location of the startup file created for the server is displayed.

Caution: Do not exit the installation program.

Note the location of the startup file for the application server, and then minimize the installation program window.

Shut down the server, and restart it using the custom script installed by the installation program and listed on the window.

Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console and login via browser:

     http://host_ip_address:port number/console

You can monitor the deployment from the console. To check the servers, click Servers in the Console, and the right pane will show the status of all servers.

After the startup commands have been run and the application server has been started, maximize the installation program window and click Deploy Application.

Select a server in the Target Servers list box, and click Deploy.

The deployment process begins. You can follow the progress of the deployment by viewing the text that appears in the right pane of the installation window.

When the deployment is complete, the Deployment Completed window appears.

Click OK.

Click Exit.  The Exit? window appears.

Click OK to exit.

STEP 8. Verifying the MSS Installation

Verification is done from the WebLogic Server Administration Console on a client workstation.
To verify the installation, do the following:

1.       From a client workstation, close all open applications and start a web browser.
2.       Enter the following information into the Address field to bring up the WL Console:

3.       Log on to the Administration Console using your user name and password (U: weblogic, P: weblogic)
4.       The WebLogic Server Console window appears.

5.       In the left pane, under the domain , click on Deployments.verify that the following applications appear in the list:

For XML API option only:
·         calendar-ejbs
·         httpEG_ear
·         jcaEG_ear
·         mss-integration (or cluster-mss-integration?)
·         mqEG_ear
·         nur (or cluster-nur?)
·         rdbmsEG_ear
·         tibRVEG_ear
·         worklist-admin
·         worklist-ejbs-worksub

non-XML API option only:
·         nur

  6.    From the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then expand JDBC, then click on Data Sources in the left pane. The list of available data sources and connection pools appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

Ensure the following Data Sources are configured as shown:

 7.      (XML API option only) In the left pane, click on DOMAIN_NAME, then click on Services, then click on Messaging, then click on JMS Modules. The list of available JMS modules appears in the pane on the right of the screen.
 In the right pane, click on configwiz-jms.  The list of available resources appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

Verify that the following JMS connection factory is present in the list of resources (XML API option only):

·         MSS.QueueConnectionFactory

Verify that the following destinations are included in the list of resources (XML API option only):
·         API.queue.AsyncDispatcher
·         API.queue.AsyncDispatcher_error
·         mss.internal.event.queue
·         mss.external.event.queue

Hope the article helps hassle free installation of Metasolv application servers on UNIX machines. Please leave your feedback or query.


  1. Hi Alok, I hope you are doing well.

    In these moments i have a problem with invoking web service in the 6.3 version of Metasolv. I need to know where are the logs for these web serives in the app server.

    Can you help me with this?

  2. Hi Benito,

    I hope you are talking about M6 web services not the custom developed ones specific for your project.

    If thats the case you should go to the

    Respective Domain Home(assuming more than 1 domain)-->servers (name of directory)-->Respective server directory-->logs (name of directory)
